I am suppose to straighten my hair on Wednesday, but end up bringing it forward and did it today, since I got nothing to do after came back from Tropicana City.
I reached at the saloon at around 2.30pm and guess what time I am done with it?
It took 5 hours to straighten my hair!!!!!!!
May be it's because my hair is long, or may be coz dat bro is a little 'yim jim', he actually wash my hair for 3 times...
I know this is quite normal, but seriously, my butt hurts!!!!!!!!!!!
In dat 5 hours, I actually done finish watching 3 episodes of taiwan drama (K.O. San Guo) using my laptop. (thank god I brought my laptop along!!!!!!)
Wanna know how I look like now? Stay tuned... (Will be continued...)
From: The Lamest Human on Earth

You're hair is STRAIGHT ENOUGH, man!And yes, They HAVE to wash your hair 3 times. My Ass hurt the time I straighten mine..