我很信这个 “theory”。but,有些人就是不懂。
I wonder how people could act in such a way that benefit self but in a way harm the others? people who truly believe in karma will not do so, but not all do. They thought that they could run away from their responsibility now, but they do not realise that karma is waiting ahead. you don't see it now, does not mean it will never happen. It's just all about timing.
不过有没有想过,如果上辈子他并没有欠你那么多而你一直“取之不尽” 地“拿”,物极必反,到时就变成你欠人而不是人欠你了。
Some may argue that, hey, since you believe in karma, I successfully steal something away from you probably because you owed me that in our previous life, so it's fair for me to take it back from you. It could be true but yet again, if that party does not owe you that much but you have taken more than you should, it turns out to be you owing the other party now instead!
This is the worst scenario ever. Nobody wishes to see this but yet, it's happening everywhere at every split second.
真搞不懂有些人欠债不还可以睡得安慰,一句 “还不起” 就什么都不管,别人不做得太绝只是不想把场面弄得太难看,拜托有点自觉心,可以吗? ==
I really don't understand how people who truly know that they owed someone something but are able to sleep peacefully every night. Some do not speak it out don't mean that they don't care. They just don't wish to spoil the relationship due to $$ matter. Even they are willing to bare the mess does not mean you can take advantage of them. It's not right at all!
I am not finger pointing at anyone and I won't say that I do not owe anyone anything. In fact, everyone owes everyone a lot of things. We all owe people around us something, especially our parents, the love they have given to us, the education they have provided since young, the life they have given us; life experiences gained from mentors; educations from schools/teachers/lecturers; chef who cooks us food; cleaner who helps to maintain a good environment for us to live in and many many much more other things that contribute to who we we are and how our lives are today.
However, it seems the more developed we are, the more immoral people have become. Much moral principles passed down from our ancestors are forgotten and left aside. People do things to meet their goals without concerning others.
But there is still hope. There are still people out there who know what is the right thing to do. We shall all stand together, improve from ourselves and thus influencing others to do the same, resulting in a better world for us to live in. *peace* ;)