yup! i've started my college life 2 days ago.
On d 1st day, i was a little nervous coz i know no one there.
Fortunately, i met Stephanie!!!
There r 4 students from sri aman so far, me, steph, cheryl n camillie.
me n steph in FIA, cheryl in AUSMAT n camillie in CIMP.
Owh, and i met my primary school friend too, she is yuan hee!
We did a tour in d college yesterday n i think i lyk d library.
The library is quite big n d most important thing is, dvds can be borrowed!!!
btw, today, which is d 3rd day, we've attended 2 classes.
These two classes were quite fun as we dont hav to start studying yet.
We introduce ourselves n played some games to know our classmates better.
the price of d food in d cafeteria r quite reasonable.
further update will be continued...

ReplyDeleteSee, I told you. Never EVer saw your Shadows at SA PSB..