A year just ended and i think i should make a small conclusion of the year and my secondary school life...
I think i have told a few friends that my emotional feelings come really slow.
For example, on the last prefect meeting, i saw everyone was hugging each other like it was the end of the day.
But that night, when I've gone to bed, flashback started.
It was like an edited video of a prefect life, duties in school, prefect meetings, prefect camps, time of us get scolding, gossiping in the prefect room, etc.
And as usual, now i have some late come feelings to share.
When i was young(of coz i m still young, i meant in primary school), i don't really have best friend who i can talk to or gossip.
But fortunately, in secondary school, i got a gang of best friends(i know 'best' means one, but all of u are the best to me).
YOU, yes you!!! Don't look around! I am talking about u!!!
This gang of friends(u know who u are), I'll never forget u gals, the time we had together and i sincerely hope we still able to have memorable time together(do u understand wat i m trying to express, coz sometimes i also don understand wat i m trying to say, chwesunghamnida!), together yum cha, boil drama, karaoke, msn, outings(mianhae coz i was unable to attend some of the outings due to u know 'personal reasons'), celebrate each others b'day, visit every one's hse, gossip bout Korean latest news, crazy over Korean stuff(actually u guys r the one who influence me with the Korean thingy...jajingna...XD) etc. etc.
If really wanna tell everything, i think gotta use 3 days 3 nights.
In short, Wonderbang rox!!!pogoshippoyo!!!
(I'll rmb that we did the dance with 2 days of practice)
Not forgetting my fellow 4SB and 5SB classmates!!!
Thanks for accepting me as the 'radio rosak' of the class(especially to the ppl who sit next to me and around my place), hope that i didn make too much noise pollution in the class...
(i think i did XD)
Last but not least, my fellow prefects, no matter seniors or juniors, thanks for the sweet time we had in the past five long years, I'll never forget my real identity, 'once a maroon, forever a maroon!'
One more thing! I didn't expect i can meet a kidnergarten friend in Sri Aman, but i did!!!
G****, i'll rmb u. (although i hav STM... so if u see me on the street, u must call me ar!!! :P)
I actually wrote a draf of this post usintg my phone at 2.45am on 1st of jan 2010, coz my feelings came right after receiving all ur msg. Most of u stated, 'frens forever', 'don forget me!'...
And these contribute to the flashback again in my mind 5mins ago.
Chingulya, SARANGHAE!!!
I'll never ever forget u gals, and make sure uall also rmb me!!!
(i just don understand y, when i was writing this, a can feel a heat rolling in my eyes, and a transparent liquid leak out from my eyes, i just can't control...)

eH HEM! Where Am I? You cause Noise Pollution in class? Same here ;) I even Cause the Cake fight. Shh! I ended up in the Disiplin room also ;) See how much trouble I can make? hee